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“历史上最伟大的500首歌曲”TOP26|《A Day in the Life》

2018-04-11 10:03:29来源:北京文艺网    作者:

《A Day in the Life》是英国摇滚乐队The Beatles于1967年发行的专辑《Sgt Pepper s Lonely Hearts Club Band》的最后一首歌。在滚石选出的的The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time中排第26位。

  《A Day in the Life》是英国摇滚乐队The Beatles于1967年发行的专辑《Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band》的最后一首歌。

  歌曲作者为Lennon–McCartney。歌曲由两个区别明显的部分组成,分别有John Lennon和Paul McCartney单独完成,再配上管弦乐演奏。Lennon的创作灵感来源于当时的一篇报纸文章,而McCartney则是回忆年少往事。直到专辑的其他歌曲都录制完成以后,乐队才决定将这两部分用钢琴滑音连接起来,并且在歌曲最后部分加上持续的钢琴和弦。

在滚石选出的The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time中排第26位。


  I read the news today oh boy

  About a lucky man who made the grade

  And though the news was rather sad

  Well I just had to laugh

  I saw the photograph

  He blew his mind out in a car

  He didn't notice that the lights had changed

  A crowd of people stood and stared

  They'd seen his face before

  Nobody was really sure if he was from the House of Lords.

  I saw a film today oh boy

  The English Army had just won the war

  A crowd of people turned away

  But I just had to look

  Having read the book,

  I'd love to turn you on.

  Woke up, fell out of bed,

  Dragged a comb across my head

  Found my way downstairs and drank a cup,

  And looking up I noticed I was late.

  Found my coat and grabbed my hat

  Made the bus in seconds flat

  Found my way upstairs and had a smoke,

  and Somebody spoke and I went into a dream

  I read the news today oh boy

  Four thousand holes in Blackburn, Lancashire

  And though the holes were rather small

  They had to count them all

  Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall.

  I'd love to turn you on.





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