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2022-01-15 10:34:36来源:北京文艺网    作者:任月亮


  The trophy of “2020 Beijing Literature and Arts Network Award for Poet”

  北京时间2021年12月26日下午,“2020·北京文艺网诗人奖”颁奖典礼在北京798艺术区太和艺术空间举行。90岁高龄的北京大学教授、诗界泰斗谢冕,中国艺术研究院研究员、著名美术理论家陶咏白,太和艺术空间创始人、策展人贾廷峰,北京文艺网诗人奖评委、中国社会科学院研究员、著名翻译家树才,北京文艺网诗人奖评委、北京师范大学当代诗歌研究中心主任谭五昌,中央民族大学教授、博士生导师敬文东,中央美术学院教授、博士生导师江黎,北京第二外国语学院文化与传播学院教授、海外汉学研究中心主任刘燕,广西师范大学出版社·纯粹品牌创始人张杰,国际策展人、诗人宋新郁,全球化智库(CCG)出版中心总监、知名译者任月园,清华大学“一带一路”研究院研究员Zoon Ahmed Khan(明竺),以及北京文艺网诗人奖组委会主任、艺术家杨佴旻等参加颁奖典礼。颁奖仪式由中央广播电视总台主持人郭丹和诗人树才共同主持。

  Prof. Xie Mian presented the trophy and Ms.Zoon Ahmed?Khan received the award on behalf of the prize winner,谢冕先生颁发奖杯,Zoon Ahmed Khan(明竺)女士代领

  2020·北京文艺网诗人奖在798艺术区隆重举行,这是一场诗歌与艺术的交汇融合。谢冕先生在颁奖典礼上发言说:这场典礼虽然短小,却是一场国际的诗歌盛会!“2020·北京文艺网诗人奖”获得者为英国诗人肖恩·奥布莱恩(Sean O’Brien),“2020·北京文艺网诗人奖”之“特别奖”获得者为马其顿诗人尼古拉·马兹洛夫(Nikola Mad?ilov)。


  颁奖伊始,谭五昌评委宣读 “2020·北京文艺网诗人奖”之“特别奖”授奖词,杨佴旻先生颁发奖杯;树才评委宣读“北京文艺网诗人奖”授奖词,谢冕先生颁发诗人奖奖杯。颁奖典礼尾声,谢冕先生发表讲话,他说:我很高兴今天参加这个颁奖典礼,诗歌是世界的,我们这里有很多国际的朋友,英国的、马其顿的、韩国的,大家都在为此刻、为诗歌努力工作,新年即将到来了,祝贺大家吉祥,新年快乐!

  Guo Dan and Shu Cai hosted the award ceremony

  Tan Wuchang made an award ceremony speech


  Yang Ermin made a speech


  Group photo of some guests


  Award words of “The 2020-Beijing Literature and Arts Network Award for Poet”

肖恩·奥布莱恩(Sean O’Brien)

  “2020·北京文艺网诗人奖”获得者为英国诗人肖恩·奥布莱恩(Sean O’Brien)。授奖词:长期以来,肖恩·奥布莱恩一直是当今世界诗坛举足轻重的标杆性人物。奥布莱恩的诗具有相当的复杂度与多面性,往往在社会题材中让纪实性让位给想像力与梦幻感,其中的灾难或末日意味与抒情传统奇妙地糅合在一起。他的诗常常充满了政治指向,但风格上所混杂的哀婉与嘲讽展示出非凡的诗艺,而英国城乡的地理背景在他的诗里则呈现出历史文化的鬼魅与迷宫色彩。奥布莱恩也善于借用民谣形式,将表演性与戏剧性推向一个新的高度。他倾向于表面上通俗的甚至粗俗的语言,并以此冲击规范与高雅的符号秩序。特授予肖恩·奥布莱恩“2020·北京文艺网诗人奖”。

  British poet Sean O’Brien won the “2020 Beijing Literature and Arts Network Award for Poet”:“Sean O’Brien has long been a pivotal figure in the world of poetry today. With considerable complexity and versatility, his poems often give way to the imaginative and fantastic of social themes where the catastrophic or apocalyptic is wonderfully blended with the lyrical tradition. His poems are often politically charged, but the mixture of elegy and irony in his style demonstrates remarkable poetic skill, while the geographical setting of English towns and villages takes on the ghostly and labyrinthine tones of historical culture. O’Brien is also adept at borrowing from the ballad form, taking performativity and drama to a new level. He tends to use ostensibly colloquial and even vulgar language, and in so doing, he attacks the norm and refines symbolic order. The “2020 Beijing Literature and Arts Network Award for Poet” is hereby awarded to Mr. Sean O’Brien.”

 尼古拉·马兹洛夫(Nikolai Madžilov)

  “2020·北京文艺网诗人奖”之“特别奖”获得者为马其顿诗人尼古拉·马兹洛夫(Nikola Mad?ilov)。授奖词:尼古拉·马兹洛夫的诗歌总是关于漂泊与在家,沉默与记忆,伤疼与安慰,危机与救赎……作为一个战争难民的后代和东欧现代诗歌最杰出的继承人,他的诗不仅切实触及到我们时代最核心的内在困境和主题,也创造了比苦难记忆更为长久的东西。在一个充满动荡不安和不确定性的年代,他以他个人的声音重新描绘了灵魂的世界,标志出它的际遇和等高线,并给我们带来无名而奇异的气流。他的声音敏感、精湛而又诚挚。他多年来的创作和翻译,如同他在疫情大流行时期与病毒的切身搏斗,都是诗歌作为幸存的感人例证。在一个让人沮丧的年代,他让我们再次感到诗歌的珍贵和不朽气息。有鉴于此,我们特将“2020·北京文艺网诗人奖”之“特别奖”授予尼古拉·马兹洛夫先生,以表达我们对他的热爱和敬意。

  Macedonian poet Nikola Mad?irov won “Special Award” of “2020 Beijing Literature and Arts Network Award for Poet”:“Nikola Mad?irov’s poems are always about wandering and at home, silence and memory, pain and comfort, crisis and salvation... As a descendant of a war refugee and the most outstanding heir of modern Eastern European poetry, his poems are not only actually touches the core internal dilemmas and themes of our time, and also creates things that are longer than the memory of suffering. In an age full of turbulence and uncertainty, he repainted the world of the soul with his personal voice, marked its encounters and contours, and brought us an unknown and strange air current. His voice is sensitive, superb and sincere. His creations and translations over the years, like his personal struggle with the virus during the pandemic, are touching examples of poetry as a survivor. In a frustrating age, he made us feel the precious and immortal breath of poetry again. In view of this, we specially award the 2020 Poetry Special Award to Mr. Nikola Mad?irov to express our love and respect for him.”

  On December 26th, 2021, the award ceremony of “2020 Beijing Literature and Arts Network Award for Poet” (also known as Artbj.com Award for Poet) was held at Taihe Art Space in 798 ArtDist, Beijing, China. Scholars and poets gathered in the cold winter to celebrate this event, among whom Xie Mian is a 90-year-old professor and leading poet in Peking University; Tao Yongbai is a famous art theorist from Chinese National Academy of Arts; Jia Tingfeng is a renowned curator and the founder of Taihe Art Space; Shu Cai is a famous translator, poet and researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Tan Wuchang is the director of the Contemporary Poetry Research Center of Beijing Normal University; Jing Wendong is a professor from Minzu University of China; Liu Yan is a professor at the School of Culture and Communication of Beijing International Studies University and director of the Overseas Sinology Research Center; Zhang Jie is the founder of publishing brand “Pura” from Guangxi Normal University Press; Song Xinyu is a renowned curator and poet; Ren Yueyuan is a translator and the director of CCG Publishing Center; Zoon Ahmed Khan is a researcher at the Belt and Road Institute of Tsinghua University; and Yang Ermin is an artist and the President of Beijing Literature and Arts Network; to name just a few. The award ceremony was co-hosted by Guo Dan from China Radio International and Shu Cai from the jury committee of “Beijing Literature and Arts Network Award for Poet”.

  This event was held in the well-known art district in China, signifying the rendezvous of poetry and art. Prof. Xie Mian said: although the space for this ceremony is limited, but the spirit of poetry is universal! British poet Sean O’Brien won “2020 Beijing Literature and Arts Network Award for Poet” (“Award for Poet”) and Nikola Mad?irov from Macedonia was honored the “Special Award”.

  Yang Ermin introduced this annual award and it’s procedure from nominating to voting. He also mourned with deep grief for professor Hu Xudong, a jury committee member of this award, who passed away in August, 2021. Besides, Dr. Yang highly praised Nikolai Mad?ilov as “one of the best poets in Eastern Europe”. Actually, Mad?ilov is a victim of COVID-19, currently he is gradually recovering from virus infection and struggling to continue his writing career. Dr. Yang also wishes the whole world could recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic and regain it’s peace and tranquility at an early day.

  Dr. Tan Wuchang declared the “Special Award” for Nikolai Mad?ilov, Dr. Yang Ermin presented the trophy; Dr. Shu Cai declared the “Award for Poet” for Sean O’Brien, and Prof. Xie Mian presented the trophy. Towards the end, Prof. Xie Mian concluded, “It’s my great pleasure to attend this ceremony. Poetry belongs to the world. Today, we have many international friends from Britain, Macedonia, Korea, and other places of the world. All of them are working hard for poetry. As the New Year is approaching, let me give you all my best wishes. Congratulations! Happy New Year!”





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